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I am really glad you have finally arrived here

Reiki Master
Energy Healer
Light Worker

My Story

Carri Fleming

Carri Fleming, Certified Reiki Master and Founder/Owner of Goodwellness Remedies, is a Mind-Body-Spirit Advocate of Love, Light, and Peace.

It was a spiritual awakening, over a decade ago, that was the catalyst for Carri’s journey as an Advocate. Several years later she found herself becoming intimately familiar with her inner healer during the transition of Carri’s beloved family matriarchs, her mother and (six months later) her Grandmother. Carri believes that it was her mother’s whole sacrifice for her to embrace her next level, as she witnessed a wondrous and miraculous vehicle for healing emerge within her. From that point forward, it has been Carri’s life-mission to connect us to the Divine through various healing modalities, in order to remind us of the love, joy, and peace that is inherently within us.

Through her expertise in pharmaceuticals, Carri’s training as Reiki Master, her education in Mind-Body-Medicine, and her own personal transformation, her purpose to give the word of healing to the world was revealed and Goodwellness Remedies was born. Goodwellness Remedies is the culmination of Carri’s passions and personal/professional years of study, where the roster of offerings includes Reiki healing, crystal therapy, aura strengthening, smell awakening, chakra reading, acupressure, moxibustion, and nutritional medicinal consultation and remedies. Goodwellness Remedies aims to alter the impression of healing modalities as a pain relief or crisis care solution, to the reality of healing modalities as a wellness program based on the belief that health is more than the absence of sickness. Thus, Goodwellness Remedies works to educate the community, providing those they serve with the information and motivation they need to pick the best health solutions for themselves and their families.

The mantra of Goodwellness Remedies is, Life is good. All is well. The good life of wellness is a fundamental reality that Carri believes is possible for us all. Carri and Goodwellness Remedies strive (with compassion) to help us unlearn everything we’ve learned that takes us away from wholeness, wellness, and light, and they work (with love) to help us unleash our infinite potential.   

Carri is a Master’s candidate in the Mind-Body-Medicine program at Saybrook University. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Science from the University of Houston, after which she spent 18 years in cardiology, neuroscience, and internal medicine in the field of pharmaceuticals. Carri is the Founder and Owner of Goodwellness Remedies, where she serves as a certified Reiki Master.

Carri is a wife of 19 years, and the mother of three amazing young men; ages 18, 16, and 11. When Carri is not changing the world through healing, or spending time with her beautiful family, we might find her exercising her passions for gardening, photography, or five-sense meditation.

The Golden Mindset

- Your circumstances do not define you.

- Your failures do not define you.

- Your doubters do not define you.

- YOU define you..


Who Is This Best Suited For?

Healing modalities are safe and effective treatment options for people of all ages, including children and adults. People having any of the following problems may benefit from healing modalities:

People suffering from back sprains and strains, neck and shoulder pain, degenerative disc disease, coccydynia, myofascial pain, and sciatica are good candidates for chiropractic.

Healing modalities may also benefit those who want to improve joint mobility. Other conditions include herniated discs, limb length discrepancy, piriformis syndrome, spondylosis, spinal osteoarthritis, injuries or dislocations, osteoporosis, infection, certain types of osteoporosis, and cancer. A reiki master may combine alternative treatments into a care plan, such as chakra reading, acupuncture, moxibustion, or nutritional counseling. 

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My Vision

We see such a sick world with insufficient resources and far too many risky treatments. We aim to dramatically re-energize our community’s health to regain the elegance in families. Our vision for each patient at Goodwellness Remedies is to unleash real health potential via the integration of healing modalities and lifestyle activities. As a result, we find pleasure in providing an uplifting experience to everyone who enters our door.

Our bodies serve as our temples. Respect for our bodies and personal responsibility are essential for happiness. We think that the body is a self-healing/regulating masterpiece. Great health comes from combining a healthy lifestyle with a well-tuned neurological system. Goodwellness Remedies works with enthusiasm and compassion to not only reduce unnecessary illness-related suffering but also to alter the mindset that health is merely the absence of sickness and pain. In doing so, we hope to establish ourselves as the premier healing modalities wellness center and a renowned pioneer in healthcare quality.

A healing modality, we believe, is about developing a functional ability for expressing life. We want the methods and treatment at Goodwellness Remedies to energize/uplift/inspire you both mentally and physically. We want to liberate rather than control, to help rather than to intrude, and to address the origin of the ailment rather than merely its symptoms. 

Making any decision requires knowledge. Decisions on health care are among the most significant in a person’s life. Nothing else counts if you are not healthy. We attract educated people and work to improve their health and lifestyle knowledge. We at Goodwellness Remedies hope you arrive as pleased as you leave. Health is a journey rather than a destination. We want clients to look up to us and try to equal the pleasure and love we pour out every day.

My Mission

Goodwellness Remedies aims to help the human body’s intrinsic wisdom, which seeks balance, or homeostasis, among physiological systems. Our mission is to use natural healing modalities to educate and correct as many people as possible back to maximum health. Goodwellness Remedies emphasizes the importance of correct structure for healthy function and believes that the nervous system is the main controller of function throughout the body.

The human body is a self-regulating dynamic system. It aims to preserve “homeostasis,” or a state of equilibrium among all the systems required for the body to work effectively. Homeostasis is a fundamental characteristic shared by all living organisms.


Goodwellness Remedies aims to alter the impression of healing modalities as a pain relief or crisis care solution to the reality of healing modalities as a wellness program based on the belief that health is more than the absence of sickness. Through a great psychological attitude, health care, and healing modalities, we hope to assist people to attain health, happiness, and satisfaction.

We serve as a light of health-oriented knowledge in the community by working as instructors to educate the community, providing clients with the information and motivation they need to pick the best health solutions for themselves and their families. Goodwellness Remedies follows the greatest ethical, moral, and professional standards, and we never stop striving to enhance our services at every level. Proper spine care is a higher health goal, and we are committed to assisting clients in achieving their health goals now, tomorrow, and for future generations. 

Healing modalities are more than just medical evaluations; these are therapeutic philosophy, science, and art that focus on each client as a whole, rather than the sum of their parts. Each client at Goodwellness Remedies is treated as an individual with particular health desires and needs. As a result, treatment is centered on a holistic approach, in which the full person is considered rather than simply their symptoms, acknowledging each client’s intrinsic healing powers regardless of their illness.

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